Transfer Operator Basic InformationAddressAccountsFleet InformationLocations Social & Confirmation TRANSFER OPERATOR Profile Header Image Note: This is the main image use to display your profile. Recommended 1260x540px. Must be a minimum size of 800x342px. Any images not in this size can be autocropped. Tip: Use your Facebook cover photo. Logo Note: Must be a minimum size of 180x180px. Recommended 720x720px. A square logo should be uploaded. Any images not in this size will be autocropped to a 1:1 Square Ratio. Tip: Use your Facebook profile picture. LOGO Change Logo Choose File Maximum file size: 2MB Note: Must be a min logo sized to 180x180px. A square Logo should be uploaded. Any images not in this size will be autocropped to a 1:1 Square Ratio. Tip: Use your Facebook profile picture. Transfer Operator Name * POST Title Copy of Transfer Operator Name - used by posts and workaround to avoid issue with the FrmEntry:getAll calls not returning the value. Email * Contact First Name Contact Last Name Phone * Alternative Phone Website/URL * Visit the website Short Description * Please use this area to promote your business. The text is limited to 1000 chars and is used alongside your logo on all listed offers and empty legs. POST Excerpt Policy on Flight Delays & Waiting Max 2000 Chars. Description * Max 4000 Chars. Terms and Conditions * Please enter your company booking term and conditions. This will be displayed to the customer on booking and supplied in all booking confirmations. Make sure to include any cancellation policies etc. Please do not include contact information in this section. It maybe easy to cut and paste a paragraph (or two) from your website Max 10000 Chars. OPERATING MONTHS * If you are human, leave this field blank. Next